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The Persecuted Church
Articles under the category The Persecuted Church:
Peter Balakian: The Aftermath of the 1890s Massacres. Excerpt from Peter Balakian: The Burning Tigris, (London 2004)
Mehmet Ali Birand: The shame of Sept. 6-7 is always with us
Andrew G. Bostom: A Modern Jihad Genocide
Andrew G. Bostom: Understanding Meriam Ibrahim’s Plight. From Marco Polo to Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Sharia Engenders “Religious” Hatred Towards Christians
James Creelman: The Slaughter Of Christians In Asia Minor (The Adana Massacre 1)
James Creelman: The Red Terror on the Cilician Plain (The Adana Massacre 2)
CUFI: Video: Christian Persecution, Stop the Silence
Michael Curtis: The Disquieting Treatment of Christians by the Palestinians
Sister Hatune Dogan: (Video) Trip to the Near East
Mark Durie: Christians are 'asking' to pay jizya: Reflections on the Islamic State
FrontPageMag: Islam is 'the biggest hoax perpetrated on the human race in 1400 years'. Interview with Father Zakaria Botros, 'Radical Islam's Bane'
Pope Francis: Address of Pope Francis. To Participants in the Conference on "International Religious Freedom and the Global Clash of Values"
George Horton: The Blight of Asia. Online book
George Horton: The Martyred City (poem)
George Horton: Foreword
George Horton: Introduction
George Horton: Turkish Massacres, 1822-1909. Chapter 1
George Horton: Gladstone and the Bulgarian Atrocities. Chapter 2
George Horton: First Steps In Young Turks' Program (1908-1911). Chapter 3
George Horton: The Last Great Selamlik (1911). Chapter 4
George Horton: Persecution of Christians in Smyrna District (1911-1914). Chapter 5
George Horton: The Massacre of Phocea (1914). Chapter 6
George Horton: New Light on the Armenian Massacres (1914-1915). Chapter 7
George Horton: Story of Walter M. Geddes. Chapter 8
George Horton: Information from Other Sources. Chapter 9
George Horton: The Greek Landing at Smyrna (May, 1919). Chapter 10
George Horton: The Hellenic Administration in Smyrna (May 15, 1919 - September 9, 1922). Chapter 11
George Horton: The Greek Retreat (1922). Chapter 12
George Horton: Smyrna As It Was. Chapter 13
George Horton: The Destruction Of Smyrna (September, 1922). Chapter 14
George Horton: First Disquieting Rumors. Chapter 15
George Horton: The Turks Arrive. Chapter 16
George Horton: Where and When the Fires Were Lighted. Chapter 17
George Horton: The Arrival at Athens. Chapter 18
George Horton: Added Details Learned After The Tragedy. Chapter 19
George Horton: Historic Importance Of The Destruction Of Smyrna. Chapter 20
George Horton: Number Done To Death. Chapter 21
George Horton: Efficiency of Our Navy in Saving Lives. Chapter 22
George Horton: Responsibility of the Western World. Chapter 23
George Horton: Italy's Designs On Smyrna. Chapter 24
George Horton: France and the Khemalists. Chapter 25
George Horton: Massacre of the French Garrison at Urfa. Chapter 26
George Horton: The British Contribution. Chapter 27
George Horton: Turkish Interpretation Of America's Attitude. Chapter 28
George Horton: The Making of Mustapha Khemal. Chapter 29
George Horton: Our Missionary Institutions in Turkey. Chapter 30
George Horton: American Institutions Under Turkish Rule. Chapter 31
George Horton: The Reverend Ralph Harlow on the Lausanne Treaty. Chapter 32
George Horton: Mohammedanism and Christianity. Chapter 33
George Horton: The Koran And The Bible. Chapter 34
George Horton: The Example Of Mohammed. Chapter 35
George Horton: The "50-50" Theory. Chapter 36
George Horton: Asia Minor, The Graveyard Of Greek Cities. Chapter 37
George Horton: Echoes From Smyrna. Chapter 38
George Horton: Conclusion. Chapter 39
George Horton: Appendix
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: A Centuries Old Phenomenon
Raymond Ibrahim: “Abducting Women” and “Destroying Churches” is “Real Islam”—Iraqi Grand Ayatollah
Raymond Ibrahim: An Islamic Declaration of War on Christianity
Raymond Ibrahim: Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians. An Interview with Raymond Ibrahim (by Wolff Bachner)
Raymond Ibrahim: Death to Churches Under Islam: A Study of the Coptic Church, Part I
Raymond Ibrahim: Death to Churches Under Islam: A Study of the Coptic Church, Part II
Raymond Ibrahim: Egypt's Massacre of Christians: What the Media Does Not Want You To Know
Raymond Ibrahim: How Islam Erased Christianity from History
Raymond Ibrahim: Islamic Jizya: ‘Protection’ from Whom?
Raymond Ibrahim: ‘Largest Massacre of Christians in Syria’ Ignored
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2011
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2011
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2011
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2011
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2012
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: February 2012
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: March 2012
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2012
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2012
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2012
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2012
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2012
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2012
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2012
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2013
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2013
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2013
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: April, 2013
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2013
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2013
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2013
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2013
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2013
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2013
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2013
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2013
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2014
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2014
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2014
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: April, 2014
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2014
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2014
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2014
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2014
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2014
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2014
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2014
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2014
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: April, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: April, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2017
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2017
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2017
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: April, 2017
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2017
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2017
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2017
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2017
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2017
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2017
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2017
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2017
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2018
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, February 2018
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, March 2018
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, April 2018
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, May 2018
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, June 2018
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, July 2018
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, August 2018
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, September 2018
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, October 2018
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, November 2018
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, December 2018
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, January 2019
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, February 2019
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, March 2019
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, April 2019
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, May 2019
Raymond Ibrahim: "Tomorrow We Are Coming to Kill You All!" MPC June 2019
Raymond Ibrahim: "Convert, Marry Me, or Die", MPC July 2019
Raymond Ibrahim: "They Asked Him to Deny Christ", MPC August 2019
Raymond Ibrahim: "Police Urinated on and Cursed Him for Being Christian", MPC September 2019
Raymond Ibrahim: "Burned beyond Recognition", MPC October 2019
Raymond Ibrahim: “I Never Thought We’d Face This Much Hatred", MPC November 2019
Raymond Ibrahim: "Kidnapped, Raped, Humiliated, and Forced to Convert to Islam", MPC December 2019
Raymond Ibrahim: He Simply “Hates Christians”, MPC January 2020
Raymond Ibrahim: "Jihadists Martyred Him for Refusing to Renounce Jesus Christ", MPC February 2020
Raymond Ibrahim: "Clean Our Toilets and Take Our Germs to Your Church!", MPC March 2020
Raymond Ibrahim: "I Don’t Like Christians", MPC April 2020
Raymond Ibrahim: "32,000 Christians Butchered to Death", MPC May 2020
Raymond Ibrahim: "Burned Alive", MPC June 2020
Raymond Ibrahim: "An Injustice Crying Out to Heaven", MPC July 2020
Raymond Ibrahim: "They Rape Our Women, Kill Our People, and Burn Our Properties", MPC August 2020
Raymond Ibrahim: "The Priest Died Like a Dog!", MPC September 2020
Raymond Ibrahim: Butchered in an “Atrocious Way”, MPC October 2020
Raymond Ibrahim: "They Shot My Wife in the Head and Cut Our Four Children into Pieces", MPC November 2020
Raymond Ibrahim: "Tortured Beyond Recognition", MPC December 2020
Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Slaughters Christian for Selling Alcohol in Egypt (video)
Raymond Ibrahim: Pope Francis’ Jihad on Christianity
Raymond Ibrahim: In Pictures: Savage Islamic Attack on St. Mark Cathedral Allowed by Egyptian Forces
Raymond Ibrahim: The Forgotten Genocide - and Why it Matters Today
Raymond Ibrahim: The Islamic Genocide of Christians: Past and Present
Raymond Ibrahim: The Muslim Rape of Christian Nuns
Raymond Ibrahim: The West’s Prostration to Islam
Raymond Ibrahim: Turkey’s Latest Jihad on Christian Armenians
Raymond Ibrahim: Video: Christian Girls Gang Raped in Egypt to Screams of ‘Allahu Akbar!’
Raymond Ibrahim: Where’s the Pope’s Encyclical on Christian Persecution?
Raymond Ibrahim: Why Are Christians the World’s Most Persecuted Group?
Charles Jacobs: Silence as the Christians Die
William Kilpatrick: The Silence of the Lambs
Alyssa A. Lappen: Turkey's Forgotten Islamist Pogrom
Sandro Magister: Cyprus: Portrait of a Christianity Obliterated
Giulio Meotti: Christians Beatify Their Palestinian Nightmare
Persecuted Christian: My ordeal as an ex-Muslim in Iran and Turkey
Walid Phares: The Oppression of Middle East Christians
James V. Schall, S.J.: The Pope, Persecution, and Religious Freedom. The bluntness of Francis’ speaking of actual persecution of Christians on the scale that it is occurring is most encouraging
Samuel Shahid: Rights of Non-Muslims in an Islamic State
Walter Short: The Massacres of the Khilafah
Ralph Sidway: Crucifixion in Islam
Ralph Sidway: The Importance of ‘Witnesses’. Newly Translated Georgian Christian Martyrdoms Expose Islamic Jihad Continuity
Robert Spencer: Iraqi priest: “There’s no such thing as moderate Islam…ISIS represents Islam one hundred percent”
Robert Spencer: "We knew our Muslim neighbours all our lives..." "We had excellent relations. It never occurred to us that Muslim neighbours would betray us."
Bruce Thornton: Christian Tragedy in the Muslim World
Serge Trifkovic: Islam's Other Victims: Wars Against Christians
Speros Vryonis Jr.: September 6, 1955: Krystallnacht in Constantinople
Bat Yeor: A Christian Minority. The Copts in Egypt
Bat Yeor: Andalusian Myth, Eurabian Reality. Inventing the past, and denying the present
Bat Yeor: Dhimmitude: Jews and Christians Under Islam
Bat Yeor: Eastern Christians Torn Asunder. Challenges — new and old
Bat Yeor: Past is Prologue. The Challenge of Islamism Today
Bat Yeor: Persecution of Jews and Christians. Testimony vs. Silence
Good books under the category The Persecuted Church:
A Nevisa:
Brudte lænker
- fra islam til JesusTaner Akcam:
A Shameful Act
The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish ResposibilityYair Auron:
The Banality of Indifference
Zionism and the Armenian GenocidePeter Balakian:
The Burning Tigris
A History of the Armenian GenocideVahakn N. Dadrian:
The History of the Armenian Genocide
Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the CaucasusBrigitte Gabriel:
Because they Hate
A Survivor af Islamic Terror Warns AmericaRaymond Ibrahim:
Crucified Again
Exposing Islam's New War on ChristiansJohn W. Kiser:
The Monks of Tibhirine
Faith, Love and Terror in AlgeriaHelle Schøler Kjær:
Danske vidner til det armenske folkemord 1915Paul Marshall:
Their Blood Cries Out
The Worldwide Tragedy of Modern Christians Who Are Dying for Their FaithStuart Robinson:
Defying Death
Zakaria Botross - Apostle to IslamNina Shea:
In the Lions Den
A Shocking Account of Persecution and Martyrdom of Christians Today & How We Should RespondRalph H. Sidway:
Facing Islam
What the Ancient Church has to Say About the Religion of MuhammadNomikos Michael Vaporis:
Witnesses for Christ
Orthodox Christian Neomartyrs of the Ottoman Period 1437-1860Edward Wakin:
A Lonely Minority
The Modern Story of Egypt's CoptsKlaus Wivel:
Den sidste nadver
En rejse blandt de efterladte kristne i den arabiske verdenBat Ye'or:
The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam
From Jihad to Dhimmitude, Seventh - Twentieth CenturyBat Ye'or:
The Dhimmi
Jews and Christians under IslamBat Ye'or:
Islam and Dhimmitude
Where Civilizations Collide
Latest articles
James M. Arlandson:
Islamic Sharia Law. Article Series
Robert Spencer:
Vatican conference to promote Mary as ‘model for faith and life for Christianity and Islam’
Raymond Ibrahim:
"Tortured Beyond Recognition", MPC December 2020
David Wood:
Islam’s Rule of Thumb.
Raymond Ibrahim:
"They Shot My Wife in the Head and Cut Our Four Children into Pieces", MPC November 2020
James M. Arlandson:
17. How to Judge Sharia
Raymond Ibrahim:
Butchered in an “Atrocious Way”, MPC October 2020
Muhammad's Suicide Attempts
Raymond Ibrahim:
"The Priest Died Like a Dog!", MPC September 2020
Leo Hohmann:
Pope Francis unleashes demons of globalism on unsuspecting church
Raymond Ibrahim:
"They Rape Our Women, Kill Our People, and Burn Our Properties", MPC August 2020
Ralph H. Sidway:
Can There Have Been Two Annunciations?
William Kilpatrick:
What Catholics Need to Know About Islam
Raymond Ibrahim:
"An Injustice Crying Out to Heaven", MPC July 2020
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