Articles under the category Muhammad:

Andrew G. Bostom: Muhammad, the Qurayza Massacre, and PBS

Catholic Scholar: Is Islam Genuine?

Sujit Das: Islam Dismantled - The Mental Illness of Prophet Muhammad

Fjordman: Unmasking Muhammad’s Dubious Existence

Neil Godfrey: Did Muhammad Exist? A revisionist look at Islam’s Origins

Raymond Ibrahim: Muhammad and the Virgin Mary: A Match Made in Heaven?

Raymond Ibrahim: The perverse sexual habits of the Prophet, Part I

Raymond Ibrahim: The perverse sexual habits of the Prophet, Part II

Raymond Ibrahim: The perverse sexual habits of the Prophet, Part III

Raymond Ibrahim: The perverse sexual habits of the Prophet, Part IV

Raymond Ibrahim: The perverse sexual habits of the Prophet, Part V

Raymond Ibrahim: What Did You Say About Muhammad?

William Kilpatrick: Was Muhammad a False Prophet?

Suhas Majumdar: Islamic Expansion through Jihad: The Evidence of the Sunnah. Chapter 5

Suhas Majumdar: Destruction of Idols and Idol-Temples in Jihad: The Evidence of the Sunnah. Chapter 6

Suhas Majumdar: Slaughter of Infidels in Jihad: The Evidence of the Sunnah. Chapter 7

Suhas Majumdar: Plunder (Ghanimah) in Jihad: The Evidence of the Sunnah. Chapter 8

Joel Richardson: The Dark Nature of Muhammad’s Revelations. Chapter Eleven

Sam Shamoun: Allah & Mo., Inc.

Silas: Muhammad's Suicide Attempts

Ali Sina: Aisha, the Child Wife of Muhammad

Ali Sina: Moral Evaluations of the Marriage of the Prophet with Aisha

Ali Sina: Safiyah, the Jewish Wife of Muhammad

Ali Sina: The examples of Muhammad

Robert Spencer: Islam, History and Faith. Judaism and Christianity have undergone intensive historical examination. Why not Islam?

Joseph S. Spoerl: Muhammad and the Jews According to Ibn Ishaq

Peter Townsend: Muhammad’s Convenient Revelations

Geert Wilders: Muhammad Manipulated the Koran

David Wood: 50 Reasons Muhammad Was Not a Prophet

David Wood: A Bewitched Prophet? Examining Muhammad’s Psychological and Spiritual Stability

David Wood: Banish Them to Their Beds and Scourge Them! Muhammad’s Low Opinion of Women

David Wood: Don’t Lose Your Head! Four Reasons for the Early Spread of Islam

David Wood: Islam Beheaded. The Information Superhighway and the Death of Mohammedanism

David Wood: Murdered by Muhammad. The Brutal Deaths of Islam’s Earliest Enemies

David Wood: Talking Ants and Shrinking Humans. An Analysis of Muhammad’s Scientific Blunders

David Wood: Was Muhammad a Pedophile? An Examination of Muhammad’s Relationship with a Nine-Year-Old Girl

David Wood: Why Did Mohammed Get So Many Wives?

Good books under the category Muhammad:
Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. VI
Muhammad at Mecca
Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. VII
The Foundation of the Community
Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. VIII
The Victory of Islam
Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. IX
The Last Years of the Prophet
Muhammad b. Umar al-Waqidi:
Kitab al-Maghazi
The Life of Muhammad
Translated by Rizwi Faizer, Amal Ismail and AbdulKadar Tayob
Howard Bloom:
The Mohammed Code
Kåre Bluitgen:
KORANEN og profeten Muhammeds liv
Fortælling efter islams ældste kilder
Frants Buhl:
Muhammeds Liv
Tredje reviderede udgave ved Finn O. Hvidbjerg-Hansen
F. W. Burleigh:
It's All About Muhammad
A Biography of the World's Most Notorious Prophet
Sujit Das:
Islam Dismantled
The Mental Illness of Prophet Muhammad
Ali Dashti:
23 Years
A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad
Muhammad Hamidullah:
The Battlefields of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
A Contribution to Muslim Military History
Ibn Ishaq:
The Life of Muhammad
A Translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah by A. Guillaume
Ibn Ishaq:
Muhammeds liv
På dansk ved Henrik Ræder Clausen
Ibn Katheer:
In Defence of the True Faith
Taken from
Al-Bidayah Wan-Nihayah
Ibn Sa'd:
Kitab Al-tabaqat Al-kabir, vol. 1
Ibn Sa'd:
Kitab Al-tabaqat Al-kabir, vol. 2
Ibn Warraq:
The Quest for the Historical Muhammad
Edited and Translated by Ibn Warraq
Stephen M. Kirby:
Islam According to Muhammad
... Not Your Neighbor
Stephen M. Kirby:
Islam's Militant Prophet
Muhammad and Forced Conversions to Islam
Martin Lings:
his life based on the earliest sources
David Samuel Margoliouth:
Mohammed and the Rise of Islam
William Muir:
The Life of Mohammad
From Original Sources
David S. Powers:
Muhammad Is Not the Father of Any of Your Men
The Making of the Last Prophet
Qadi Iyad:
Muhammad - Messenger of Allah
Ash-Shifa of Qadi 'Iyad
J. K. Sheindlin:
The People vs Muhammad
The trial which challenges the founder of islam's authority over all mankind.
Psychological Analysis
Ali Sina:
Understanding Muhammad
A Psychobiography
Robert Spencer:
Did Muhammad Exist?
An Inquiery into Islam's Obscure Origins
Robert Spencer:
The Truth about Muhammad
Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion
Bill Warner:
Mohammad and the Unbelievers
A Political Life is established by a Danish private person. He is a Christian and calls himself Bombadillo. The purpose is to bring objective information about Islam. The hope is to contribute to the demolition of Islam in Denmark and elsewhere. In this truth is a good means.
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