Articles under the category Massacre:

Peter Balakian: The Aftermath of the 1890s Massacres. Excerpt from Peter Balakian: The Burning Tigris, (London 2004)

Edwin Black: When Iraq Expelled Its Jews to Israel—The Inside Story

Edwin Black: Why International Farhud Day Stymies Invented Palestinian History

Rabbi Benjamin Blech: The Tragedy in Toulouse

Andrew G. Bostom: Muhammad, the Qurayza Massacre, and PBS

James Creelman: The Slaughter Of Christians In Asia Minor (The Adana Massacre 1)

James Creelman: The Red Terror on the Cilician Plain (The Adana Massacre 2)

John Eibner: Genocide Warning. CSI letter to President Barack Obama

John Eibner: My Career Redeeming Slaves

Tiffany Gabbay: The Farhud Massacre. The Hand of God: How My Father Survived the Nazi-Inspired Massacre

George Horton: The Blight of Asia. Online book

George Horton: The Martyred City (poem)

George Horton: Foreword

George Horton: Introduction

George Horton: Turkish Massacres, 1822-1909. Chapter 1

George Horton: Gladstone and the Bulgarian Atrocities. Chapter 2

George Horton: First Steps In Young Turks' Program (1908-1911). Chapter 3

George Horton: The Last Great Selamlik (1911). Chapter 4

George Horton: Persecution of Christians in Smyrna District (1911-1914). Chapter 5

George Horton: The Massacre of Phocea (1914). Chapter 6

George Horton: New Light on the Armenian Massacres (1914-1915). Chapter 7

George Horton: Story of Walter M. Geddes. Chapter 8

George Horton: Information from Other Sources. Chapter 9

George Horton: The Greek Landing at Smyrna (May, 1919). Chapter 10

George Horton: The Hellenic Administration in Smyrna (May 15, 1919 - September 9, 1922). Chapter 11

George Horton: The Greek Retreat (1922). Chapter 12

George Horton: Smyrna As It Was. Chapter 13

George Horton: The Destruction Of Smyrna (September, 1922). Chapter 14

George Horton: First Disquieting Rumors. Chapter 15

George Horton: The Turks Arrive. Chapter 16

George Horton: Where and When the Fires Were Lighted. Chapter 17

George Horton: The Arrival at Athens. Chapter 18

George Horton: Added Details Learned After The Tragedy. Chapter 19

George Horton: Historic Importance Of The Destruction Of Smyrna. Chapter 20

George Horton: Number Done To Death. Chapter 21

George Horton: Efficiency of Our Navy in Saving Lives. Chapter 22

George Horton: Responsibility of the Western World. Chapter 23

George Horton: Italy's Designs On Smyrna. Chapter 24

George Horton: France and the Khemalists. Chapter 25

George Horton: Massacre of the French Garrison at Urfa. Chapter 26

George Horton: The British Contribution. Chapter 27

George Horton: Turkish Interpretation Of America's Attitude. Chapter 28

George Horton: The Making of Mustapha Khemal. Chapter 29

George Horton: Our Missionary Institutions in Turkey. Chapter 30

George Horton: American Institutions Under Turkish Rule. Chapter 31

George Horton: The Reverend Ralph Harlow on the Lausanne Treaty. Chapter 32

George Horton: Mohammedanism and Christianity. Chapter 33

George Horton: The Koran And The Bible. Chapter 34

George Horton: The Example Of Mohammed. Chapter 35

George Horton: The "50-50" Theory. Chapter 36

George Horton: Asia Minor, The Graveyard Of Greek Cities. Chapter 37

George Horton: Echoes From Smyrna. Chapter 38

George Horton: Conclusion. Chapter 39

George Horton: Appendix

Ibn Warraq: Jews and the Crusades

Raymond Ibrahim: Egypt's Massacre of Christians: What the Media Does Not Want You To Know

Raymond Ibrahim: ‘Largest Massacre of Christians in Syria’ Ignored

Raymond Ibrahim: The Islamic State and Islam

Raymond Ibrahim: Turkey’s Latest Jihad on Christian Armenians

Alyssa A. Lappen: Turkey's Forgotten Islamist Pogrom

David Littman: Jews under Muslim Rule in the late Nineteenth Century

David Littman: Jews under Muslim Rule – II. Morocco 1903-1912

David Littman: Jews under Muslim Rule. The Case of Persia

Suhas Majumdar: Slaughter of Infidels in Jihad: The Evidence of the Sunnah. Chapter 7

Dawn Perlmutter: Jihadist Ritual Murder & Mutilation at the Mall

Walter Short: The Massacres of the Khilafah

Ralph Sidway: The Importance of ‘Witnesses’. Newly Translated Georgian Christian Martyrdoms Expose Islamic Jihad Continuity

Serge Trifkovic: Islam’s Other Victims: India

Serge Trifkovic: Islam's Other Victims: Wars Against Christians

Speros Vryonis Jr.: September 6, 1955: Krystallnacht in Constantinople

Zaw Ne Yaa: (Video) Burma: "A lot of people coming out from the mosque...They are going to kill us"

Good books under the category Massacre:
Edwin Black:
The Farhud
Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust
Marjorie Housepian Dobkin:
Smyrna 1922
The Destruction of a City
George Horton:
The Blight of Asia
An Account of the Systematic Extermination of Christian Population by Muhammedans ...
J. A. MacGahan:
The Turkish Atrocities in Bulgaria
Letters of the Special Commisioner of the Daily News, J. A. MacGahan (1876)
Giles Milton:
Paradise Lost
Smyrna 1922: The Destruction of Islam's City of Tolerance
Speros Vryonis, Jr.:
The Mechanism Of Catastrophe
The Turkish Pogrom of September 6-7, 1955, and the Destruction of the Greek Community of Istanbul is established by a Danish private person. He is a Christian and calls himself Bombadillo. The purpose is to bring objective information about Islam. The hope is to contribute to the demolition of Islam in Denmark and elsewhere. In this truth is a good means.
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