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Articles under the category Jihad:
James M. Arlandson: 4. Jihad and Qital in the Qur’an, Traditions and Classical Law
Richard P. Bailey: Jihad: The Teaching of Islam from the Quran and Hadith
Peter Balakian: The Aftermath of the 1890s Massacres. Excerpt from Peter Balakian: The Burning Tigris, (London 2004)
Dr. Gordon N. Bardos: The Ideology of Militant Islamism in Southeastern Europe
Rabbi Benjamin Blech: With Rifle and Baby in Hand
Andrew G. Bostom: A Modern Jihad Genocide
Andrew G. Bostom: America’s First War on Terror
Andrew G. Bostom: Before There Were “Rohingyas” ... ... Colonizing Bengali Muslims Waged Jihad in Myanmar—And It Continues Apace
Andrew G. Bostom: Hiskett Diagnosed Nigeria’s—and the World’s—Islam Problem, in 1993
Andrew G. Bostom: Ibrahim’s Historical Reconquista. New Book Reveals Christendom’s 1400-Year Struggle Against Jihad
Andrew G. Bostom: “Secular” Turkey’s Brutal Jihad Conquest and Islamization of Northern Cyprus
Andrew G. Bostom: Sufi Jihad
Andrew G. Bostom: The Jihad Genocide of the Armenians
Andrew G. Bostom: The Legacy of Jihad in India
Andrew G. Bostom: The living legacy of jihad slavery
Andrew G. Bostom: Turkey: Back to the Future?
Andrew G. Bostom: Ottoman Dhimmitude
Andrew G. Bostom: Turkey: From Failed Reforms to a Modern Jihad Genocide
Allah Bukhsh K. Brohi: Preface to S. K. Malik, "The Quranic Concept of War"
Wolfgang Bruno: The Stages of Jihad
David Bukay: Peace or Jihad? Abrogation in Islam
Gregory M. Davis: Islam 101
Sister Hatune Dogan: (Video) Trip to the Near East
Mark Durie: Christians are 'asking' to pay jizya: Reflections on the Islamic State
Mark Durie: Individual Jihad Comes to Australia. From Broken Hill to Martin Place, 1915 to 2015
Mark Durie: ‘Three Choices’ and the bitter harvest of denial. How dissimulation about Islam is fueling genocide in the Middle East
John Eibner: My Career Redeeming Slaves
Bosch Fawstin: Non-Muslim Muslims and the Jihad Against the West
Hugh Fitzgerald: A Review of Ibn Warraq’s The Islam In Islamic Terrorism
Fjordman: Europeans As Victims of Colonialism
Fjordman: Fourteen Centuries of War Against European Civilization
Fjordman: Who Are We, Who Are Our Enemies - The Cost of Historical Amnesia
Brigitte Gabriel: Interview with Brigitte Gabriel (by Roger Aronoff)
Danusha V. Goska: Inside Jihad
Danusha V. Goska: The History of Jihad from Muhammad to ISIS. Robert Spencer's new must-read book
Raymond Ibrahim: “Abducting Women” and “Destroying Churches” is “Real Islam”—Iraqi Grand Ayatollah
Raymond Ibrahim: An Analysis of Al-Qa'ida's Worldview. Reciprocal Treatment or Religious Obligation?
Raymond Ibrahim: An Islamic Declaration of War on Christianity
Raymond Ibrahim: Does the Hijab Reflect “Adherence to Sharia Law”?
Raymond Ibrahim: How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of War. Defeating Jihadist Terrorism
Raymond Ibrahim: Islam, War, and Deceit. A Synthesis
Raymond Ibrahim: Islamic Doctrines Justify Sex Jihad (With Video)
Raymond Ibrahim: Islamic Jihad and the Doctrine of Abrogation
Raymond Ibrahim: Jihad and Criminality: Inseparable Bedfellows
Raymond Ibrahim: Just War vs Just Plain-Old Jihad
Raymond Ibrahim: Strategies For Countering Radical Islamist Ideologies: Overcoming Conceptual Difficulties
Raymond Ibrahim: The Battle of Yarmuk. History’s Most Consequential Muslim/Western Clash
Raymond Ibrahim: The First and Forgotten Armenian Genocide of 1019 AD
Raymond Ibrahim: The Siege of Byzantium. In 717–18, Western civilization was hanging by a thread
Raymond Ibrahim: The Siege of Vienna, 1683
Raymond Ibrahim: Turkey’s Latest Jihad on Christian Armenians
Raymond Ibrahim: West Saved from Islam at Battle of Tours
Amil Imani: Jihad: Islam's Engine
Abul Kasem: Islamic Multiculturalism — the Endless Jihad
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini: Islam is Not a Religion of Pacifists
William Kilpatrick: Islam’s Thousand Year War on Christendom
William Kilpatrick: The Sri Lanka Terrorists: Martyrs or Murderers?
William Kilpatrick: What Catholics Need to Know About Islam
Joshua E. London: Somali Pirates and the Islamist Jihad
Suhas Majumdar: Jihad. The Islamic Doctrine of Permanent War Online book
Suhas Majumdar: Preface
Suhas Majumdar: References
Suhas Majumdar: Introduction
Suhas Majumdar: Jihad in the Koran. Chapter 1
Suhas Majumdar: Jihad in the Hadis. Chapter 2
Suhas Majumdar: Ghanimah or Plunder in the Koran. Chapter 3
Suhas Majumdar: Plunder (Ghanimah) in the Hadis. Chapter 4
Suhas Majumdar: Islamic Expansion through Jihad: The Evidence of the Sunnah. Chapter 5
Suhas Majumdar: Destruction of Idols and Idol-Temples in Jihad: The Evidence of the Sunnah. Chapter 6
Suhas Majumdar: Slaughter of Infidels in Jihad: The Evidence of the Sunnah. Chapter 7
Suhas Majumdar: Plunder (Ghanimah) in Jihad: The Evidence of the Sunnah. Chapter 8
Suhas Majumdar: Jihad in the Shariat. Chapter 9
Suhas Majumdar: Jihad and Religious Riot. Chapter 10
Suhas Majumdar: Recapitulation. Chapter 11
Suhas Majumdar: Conclusion. Chapter 12
Suhas Majumdar: Jihad and Expulsion of Non-Muslims from Islamic Countries. Appendix I
Suhas Majumdar: Jizyah and the Zimmi. Appendix II
Suhas Majumdar: Development of the Doctrine of Jihad in the Koran. Appendix III
Suhas Majumdar: Akbar's Attitude to Jihad. Appendix IV
Suhas Majumdar: Doctrine of Jihad as Defensive War. Appendix V
Ned May: The Vatican Falls for the ‘Interfaith’ Scam
Dawn Perlmutter: Jihadist Ritual Murder & Mutilation at the Mall
Dawn Perlmutter: Jihadist Trophies of War
Joel Richardson: Black Clouds and Black Flags on the Horizon
Joel Richardson: Islam and the Goal of World Domination. Chapter Fifteen
Richard L. Rubenstein: Why I Have Written "Jihad and Genocide"
Emmet Scott: Mohammed & Charlemagne Revisited: The Epilogue
Emmet Scott: The Fate of the Roman Cities of the Near East and North Africa
Ralph Sidway: The Importance of ‘Witnesses’. Newly Translated Georgian Christian Martyrdoms Expose Islamic Jihad Continuity
Joshua Sinai: How The Jihadist Psychopath Fools the West
Tom Snodgrass: Christian Just War V. Islamic Jihad
Robert Spencer: Sayyid Qutb and the Virginia Five
Robert Spencer: Switzerland: Young jihadis living on welfare benefits
Robert Spencer: The Mufti of Jerusalem
Paul Stenhouse: The Crusades in Context
Serge Trifkovic: Islam's Other Victims: Wars Against Christians
Serge Trifkovic: Saudi Arabia, False Friend
Serge Trifkovic: Jihad's Fifth Column in the West
Bill Warner: The Annihilation of Civilizations
Bill Warner: The Jihad That Lead to the Crusades – Timeline
Bat Yeor: Contemporary Arab and Muslim Perceptions of the Other
Bat Yeor: Dhimmi Peoples: Oppressed Nations
Bat Yeor: Dhimmitude: Jews and Christians Under Islam
Bat Yeor: Past is Prologue. The Challenge of Islamism Today
David Zeidan: The Islamic Fundamentalist View of Life as a Perennial Battle
Good books under the category Jihad:
Mehdi Abedi (ed.):
Jihad and Shahadat
Struggle and Martyrdom in IslamGünther Adolphsen:
Hellig krig i KashmirA. I. Akram:
Khalid bin Al-Waleed: Sword of Allah
A biographical study of the greatest military general in historyArab Faqih:
Futuh al-Habasa
The Conquest of Abyssinia [16th Century]
Translated by Poul Lester Stenhouse - Annotiations by Richard PankhurstJohn Alembillah Azumah:
The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa
A Quest for Inter-religious DialoguePeter Balakian:
The Burning Tigris
A History of the Armenian GenocideAndrew G. Bostom:
The Legacy of Jihad
Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-MuslimsAndrew G. Bostom:
Iran's Final Solution for Israel
The Legacy of Jihad and Shi'ite Islamic Jew-Hatred in IranBrother Rashid:
The Ideology Behind Islamic TerrorismDavid Cook:
Understanding JihadRoger Crowley:
Empires of the Sea
The Final Battle for the MediterraneanVahakn N. Dadrian:
The History of the Armenian Genocide
Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the CaucasusRoberto de Mattei:
Holy War, Just War
Islam and Christendom at WarChristopher Deliso:
The Coming Balkan Caliphate.
The Threat of Radical Islam to Europe and the WestOriana Fallaci:
A NovelReuven Firestone:
The Origin of Holy War in IslamPaul Fregosi:
Jihad in the West
Muslim Conquests from the 7th to the 21st CenturiesBrigitte Gabriel:
Because they Hate
A Survivor af Islamic Terror Warns AmericaMark A. Gabriel:
Islam and TerrorismP. David Gaubatz:
Muslim Mafia
Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize AmericaJamie Glazov:
Jihadist Psychopath
How He is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring UsSita Ram Goel:
The Story of Islamic Imperialism in IndiaDr. Tawfik Hamid:
Inside Jihad
How Radical Islam Works
Why It Should Terrify Us
How to Defeat It
(Updated Edition)Muhammad Hamidullah:
The Battlefields of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
A Contribution to Muslim Military HistoryPeter Hammond:
Slavery, Terrorism & Islam
The Historical Roots and Contemporary ThreatMervyn Hiskett:
The Sword of Truth
The Life and Times of the Shehu Usuman dan FodioLeo Hohmann:
Stealth Invasion
Muslim Conquest through Immigration and Resettlement JihadRobert G. Hoyland:
In God's Path
The Arab Conquests and the Creation of an Islamic EmpireEd Husain:
The Islamist
Why I joined radical Islam in Britain, what I saw inside and why I leftIbn Ishaq:
The Life of Muhammad
A Translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah by A. GuillaumeIbn Warraq:
The Islam in Islamic Terrorism
The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and IdeologyRaymond Ibrahim:
The Al Qaeda ReaderRaymond Ibrahim:
Sword and Scimitar
Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the WestJok Madut Jok:
War and Slavery in SudanEfraim Karsh:
Islamic Imperialism
A HistoryM. A. Khan:
Islamic Jihad
A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and SlaveryWilliam Kilpatrick:
The Politically Incorrect Guide to JihadWilliam Kilpatrick:
What Catholics Need to Know About IslamGerhard Konzelmann:
Den islamiske udfordringMatthias Küntzel:
Jihad and Jew-Hatred
Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11Hal Lindsey:
The Everlasting Hatred
The Roots of JihadSuhas Majumdar:
The Islamic Doctrine of Permanent WarGiles Milton:
Paradise Lost
Smyrna 1922: The Destruction of Islam's City of ToleranceLaurent Murawiec:
The Mind of JihadLaurent Murawiec:
Princes of Darkness
The Saudi Assault on the WestMuslim Brotherhood:
An Explanatory MemorandumMende Nazer:
The True Story of a Girl's lost Childhood and her Fight for SurvivalK. N. Pandit (trans. and ed.):
A Chronicle of Mediaeval KashmirRudolph Peters:
Jihad i moderne og klassisk islamHenri Pirenne:
Mohammed and CharlemagneRichard L. Rubenstein:
Jihad and GenocideJohn R. Schindler:
Unholy Terror
Bosnia, at-Qa'ida, and the Rise of Global JihadEmmet Scott:
Mohammed & Charlemagne Revisited
The History of a ControversyWalid Shoebat:
Why We Want to Kill You
The Jihadist Mindset and How to Defeat itRolf Slot-Henriksen:
Hellig Krig
Terror eller koloniseringPatrick Sookhdeo:
Global Jihad
The Future in the Face of Militant IslamPatrick Sookhdeo:
Understanding Islamic Terrorism
The Islamic Doctrine of WarRobert Spencer:
The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISISRobert Spencer:
The History of Jihad
From Muhammad to ISISAmir Taheri:
Holy Terror
The inside story of Islamic terrorismSerge Trifkovic:
The Sword of the Prophet
History, Theology, Impact On the WorldSerge Trifkovic:
Defeating Jihad
How the war on terror may yet be won, in spite of ourselvesGeorge Weigel:
Faith, Reason, and the War against Jihadism
A Call to ActionBat Ye'or:
The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam
From Jihad to Dhimmitude, Seventh - Twentieth Century
Latest articles
James M. Arlandson:
Islamic Sharia Law. Article Series
Robert Spencer:
Vatican conference to promote Mary as ‘model for faith and life for Christianity and Islam’
Raymond Ibrahim:
"Tortured Beyond Recognition", MPC December 2020
David Wood:
Islam’s Rule of Thumb.
Raymond Ibrahim:
"They Shot My Wife in the Head and Cut Our Four Children into Pieces", MPC November 2020
James M. Arlandson:
17. How to Judge Sharia
Raymond Ibrahim:
Butchered in an “Atrocious Way”, MPC October 2020
Muhammad's Suicide Attempts
Raymond Ibrahim:
"The Priest Died Like a Dog!", MPC September 2020
Leo Hohmann:
Pope Francis unleashes demons of globalism on unsuspecting church
Raymond Ibrahim:
"They Rape Our Women, Kill Our People, and Burn Our Properties", MPC August 2020
Ralph H. Sidway:
Can There Have Been Two Annunciations?
William Kilpatrick:
What Catholics Need to Know About Islam
Raymond Ibrahim:
"An Injustice Crying Out to Heaven", MPC July 2020
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Latest books

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Modern Day Trojan Horse
The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration

The thirty-year genocide
Turkey's destruction of its Christian minorities, 1894-1924

Jihadist Psychopath
How He is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us

Holy War, Just War
Islam and Christendom at War

Khalid bin Al-Waleed: Sword of Allah
A biographical study of the greatest military general in history

- den sejrrige kulturmarxismes politiske udtryk

Al-Wahidi's Asbab al-Nuzul

A Guide to the Phantom Dark Age
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