Al-wala wa al-bara
Child Marriage
Culture War
Faith and Reason
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Speech
Gospel of Barnabas
Historical Revisionism
History of Islam
Honor Killing
Human Rights
In General
Incredible but True
Isa - Jesus
Islam as a Cult
Islam/West Debate
Islamic Reformation
Islamic State
Najis - Uncleanness
New World Order
Pact of Umar
Political Correctness
Political Islam
Same God?
The Golden Age of Islam
The Muslim Brotherhood
The Muslim Mind
The Persecuted Church
Articles under the category In General:
Ahmad al-Baghdadi: Islam: The Eighth Wonder of the World?
Fr. Michel Boniface: Real ISLAM vs Imaginary ISLAM
Wolfgang Bruno: Islamic Dictionary for Infidels
Rebecca Bynum: Why Islam is Not a Religion
Catholic Scholar: Is Islam Genuine?
Gregory M. Davis: Islam 101
Jude P. Dougherty: Fictional ISIS and the True Threat
Mark Durie: Islam, COVID-19, and the Divine Decree
Mark Durie: Islam's Second Crisis: The troubles to come
Mark Durie: Tony Blair on the Islamist Threat
Hugh Fitzgerald: A Review of Ibn Warraq’s The Islam In Islamic Terrorism
Daniel Greenfield: Extremist Muslim Moderates and Moderate Muslim Extremists
Raymond Ibrahim: Islam’s ‘Protestant Reformation’
Raymond Ibrahim: Islam's Will to Power. An Interview with Raymond Ibrahim (by Niram Ferretti)
Raymond Ibrahim: Muhammad and Forced Conversions to Islam
Raymond Ibrahim: Parallels between Islam and the Mafia, Part 1
Raymond Ibrahim: Parallels between Islam and the Mafia, Part 2
Raymond Ibrahim: Parallels between Islam and the Mafia, Part 3
Raymond Ibrahim: Was Marco Polo an 'Islamophobe'? A Study in Continuity
Howard Kainz: Is Islam a Religion?
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini: Islam is Not a Religion of Pacifists
William Kilpatrick: Good Islam vs. Bad Islam
William Kilpatrick: The Vast Majority Myth
Stephen M. Kirby: Ahmadi Muslims Hijack Islam
Stephen M. Kirby: I Love Islam
Toby Lester: What Is the Koran?
Suhas Majumdar: Jihad and Expulsion of Non-Muslims from Islamic Countries. Appendix I
Majid Rafizadeh: The False Dichotomy: Moderate Muslims vs. Radicals
Robert Reymond: What's Wrong with Islam?
James V. Schall, S.J.: Realism and Islam
Robert Spencer: 5 Ways the Quran Explains Today’s Headlines
Robert Spencer: Explosive book shows that all is not what it seems to be in Islam's origins
Robert Spencer: Islam: Religion of Bigots
Good books under the category In General:
Dr. Rafat Amari:
Islam: In light of HistoryMarkus Aurelius:
Bleeding for Allah
Why Islam will Conquer the Free World
What Americans Need to KnowSalem Azzam, ed.:
Islam and Contemporary SocietyHelle Merete Brix:
Islam i Vesten - På Koranens Vej?
En antologiBrother Rashid:
The Ideology Behind Islamic TerrorismPatricia Crone:
God's Rule: Government and Islam
Six Centuries of Medieval Islamic Political ThoughtAbdoldjavad Falaturi:
A Guide to the Presentation of Islam in School TextbooksMassoud Fouroozandeh:
Koranens dilemma - Sociologisk
Hvorfor er Koranen ikke en hellig bog?
Et oplæg til debat og eftertanke...Mark A. Gabriel:
Coffee with the Prophet
A 21st Century Encounter with the Prophet of IslamSita Ram Goel:
The Calcutta Quran Petition
Third Revised and Enlarged EditionOleg Grabar:
The Dome of the RockMervyn Hiskett:
Some to Mecca Turn to Pray
Islamic Values in the Modern WorldRobert G. Hoyland:
Seeing Islam as Others saw it
A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early IslamIbn Battutah:
The Travels of Ibn Battutah
Abridged, introduced and annotated by
Tim Mackintosh-SmithIbn Warraq:
Derfor er jeg ikke muslimIbn Warraq:
Virgins? What Virgins?
and Other EssaysStephen M. Kirby:
Islam and Barack Hussein Obama
A Handbook on IslamStephen M. Kirby:
Letting Islam be Islam
Separating Truth From MythStephen M. Kirby:
Islam According to Muhammad
... Not Your NeighborGerhard Konzelmann:
Den islamiske udfordringReuben Levy:
The Social Structure of IslamBernard Lewis:
The Political Language of IslamSayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi:
Let us be MuslimsV. S. Naipaul:
Ikke til at tro
Islamiske rejser blandt de konverterede folkV. S. Naipaul:
Blandt de rettroende
En islamisk rejseYehuda D. Nevo:
Crossroads to Islam
The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab StateKarl-Heinz Ohling (ed.):
Early Islam
A Critical Reconstruction Based on Contemporary SourcesDaniel Pipes:
In the Path of God
Islam and Political PowerNobert G. Pressburg:
What the Modern Martyr Should Know
Seventy-Two Grapes and Not a Single Virgin
The New Picture of IslamSayyid Qutb:
Islam and Universal PeaceFazlur Rahman:
Second EditionAndrew Rippin:
Their religious beliefs and practicesBerry Rubin:
Anti-American Terrorism and the Middle East
A Documentary ReaderS. Salomon:
The Mosque ExposedSamir Khalil Samir, S.J.:
111 Questions on Islam
on Islam and the WestAnwar Shaikh:
Islam, the Arab ImperialismShashi S. Sharma:
Caliphs and Sultans
Religious Ideology and Political PraxisPaula Youngman Skreslet:
The Litterature of Islam
A Guide to the Primary Sources in English TranslationNiels Erik Søndergaard (red.):
De binder os på mund og hånd
Racistiske overgreb mod danskereRobert Spencer:
Did Muhammad Exist?
An Inquiery into Islam's Obscure OriginsBruce S. Thornton:
The Wages of Appeasement
Ancient Athens, Munich, and Obama's AmericaSerge Trifkovic:
The Sword of the Prophet
History, Theology, Impact On the WorldUnknown Author:
Islam - Evil in the Name of God
270,000,000 Murdered by Islam
Greatest Holocaust in HistoryBenjamin Walker:
Foundations of Islam
The Making of a World Religion
Latest articles
James M. Arlandson:
Islamic Sharia Law. Article Series
Robert Spencer:
Vatican conference to promote Mary as ‘model for faith and life for Christianity and Islam’
Raymond Ibrahim:
"Tortured Beyond Recognition", MPC December 2020
David Wood:
Islam’s Rule of Thumb.
Raymond Ibrahim:
"They Shot My Wife in the Head and Cut Our Four Children into Pieces", MPC November 2020
James M. Arlandson:
17. How to Judge Sharia
Raymond Ibrahim:
Butchered in an “Atrocious Way”, MPC October 2020
Muhammad's Suicide Attempts
Raymond Ibrahim:
"The Priest Died Like a Dog!", MPC September 2020
Leo Hohmann:
Pope Francis unleashes demons of globalism on unsuspecting church
Raymond Ibrahim:
"They Rape Our Women, Kill Our People, and Burn Our Properties", MPC August 2020
Ralph H. Sidway:
Can There Have Been Two Annunciations?
William Kilpatrick:
What Catholics Need to Know About Islam
Raymond Ibrahim:
"An Injustice Crying Out to Heaven", MPC July 2020
See all articles
Latest books

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Hvorfor er Koranen ikke en hellig bog?
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Turkey's destruction of its Christian minorities, 1894-1924

Jihadist Psychopath
How He is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us

Holy War, Just War
Islam and Christendom at War

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