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Islam as a Cult
Islam/West Debate
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Political Islam
Same God?
The Golden Age of Islam
The Muslim Brotherhood
The Muslim Mind
The Persecuted Church
Articles under the category Christianity/Islam:
Derik Adams: The Confusion of Islam regarding the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
Bruce Bawer: Popes vs. Jews
Peter D. Beaulieu: Christianity and Islam, Dialogue and Monologues. Review of Robert R. Reilly: The Prospects and Perils of Catholic-Muslim Dialogue
Archbishop Giuseppe Bernardini: The Difficulties of Dialogue with Islam
Fr. Michel Boniface: Real ISLAM vs Imaginary ISLAM
Andrew G. Bostom: Jews as "Christ-Killers" in Islam
Tony Costa: Islam and the Rewriting of Biblical History and Theology
Mark Durie: ‘A Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross’
Mark Durie: Bearing the cross: a letter to the Islamic State
Mark Durie: ‘Isa, the Muslim Jesus
Mark Durie: The Abrahamic Fallacy
Dario Fernandez-Morera: When the Spirits Collided. Islam and Christianity in the Course of Western Civilization
FrontPageMag: Islam is 'the biggest hoax perpetrated on the human race in 1400 years'. Interview with Father Zakaria Botros, 'Radical Islam's Bane'
Timothy R. Furnish: The Prince of Peace vs. the False Prophets of Islam
John Gilchrist: Knowing God Personally. The Christian Message to the Muslim World
Danusha V. Goska: Ayaan Hirsi Ali and the Hope for Islam's 'Reformation'
Danusha V. Goska: Islam and Christianity: A Reader-Friendly Guide to the Differences
Danusha V. Goska: Nabeel Qureshi, 1983-2017. Reflections on a fallen Counter-Jihadi
Danusha V. Goska: Why Yasmine Mohammed's 'Unveiled' Is a Must-Read
Samuel Green: The Gospel of Barnabas
Samuel Gregg: Benedict XVI and the Pathologies of Religion
Cindy Hayes: Breaking Free from Islam
Leo Hohmann: The coming convergence of Islam and Christianity
Dale Hurd: (Video) Brave German Woman Rebukes Islam's Lie
Raymond Ibrahim: Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?
Raymond Ibrahim: Muhammad and the Virgin Mary: A Match Made in Heaven?
Raymond Ibrahim: The Battle of Yarmuk. History’s Most Consequential Muslim/Western Clash
Raymond Ibrahim: West Saved from Islam at Battle of Tours
Reza Kahlili: The CIA spy inside Iran’s Revolutionary Guard who found Jesus
Howard Kainz: Is Islam a Religion?
Howard Kainz: Islam and the Decalogue
William Kilpatrick: An Invented Tale?
William Kilpatrick: Are Muslims Our Natural Allies?
William Kilpatrick: Breaking the Code
William Kilpatrick: Can the Church Recover Its Fighting Spirit?
William Kilpatrick: Christian Misunderstanders of Islam
William Kilpatrick: Christianity and Cultural Survival
William Kilpatrick: Christianity, Islam, and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West. An Interview with William Kilpatrick (by Jamie Glazov)
William Kilpatrick: Expert: Islam demands subjugation of Christians. Interview with William Kilpatrick (by Anita Crane)
William Kilpatrick: Has the Church in the U.S. Succumbed to the Charms of Islam?
William Kilpatrick: Hijacking Jesus
William Kilpatrick: Islam: A Giant Step Backwards for Humanity
William Kilpatrick: Islam’s Religious Exemption From Criticism
William Kilpatrick: Islam’s Thousand Year War on Christendom
William Kilpatrick: Needed: A New Church Policy Toward Islam, part 1
William Kilpatrick: Needed: A New Church Policy Toward Islam, part 2
William Kilpatrick: Needed: A New Church Policy Toward Islam, part 3
William Kilpatrick: Should Christian Leaders Defend Islam?
William Kilpatrick: The New Primitives
William Kilpatrick: The Silence of the Lambs
William Kilpatrick: Was Muhammad a False Prophet?
William Kilpatrick: What Catholics Need to Know About Islam
William Kilpatrick: Wise As Serpents?
Stephen M. Kirby: Do We All Believe in the Same God?
Derya Little: Creation of Man in Islam and Christianity
Thomas F. Madden: The Real History of the Crusades
Ned May: The Vatican Falls for the ‘Interfaith’ Scam
Joseph Mizzi: Do Catholics and Muslims Worship the Same God?
Vladimir Moss: Islamic Terrorism and Western Ecumenism
Fr. Brandon O'Brien: Why Christians and Muslims Worship Different Gods
Nabeel Qureshi: Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?
Robert R. Reilly: The Muddled Catholic-Muslim “Dialogue”
Robert Reymond: What's Wrong with Islam?
Joel Richardson: The Antichrist Spirit Of Islam. Chapter Twelve
Dallas Roark: Why Do Muslims Hate Christians?
James V. Schall, S.J.: Mission, Dialogue, and Difficulties
Emmet Scott: How Christianity Civilized Barbarian Europe in Just One Hundred Years
Emmet Scott: Mohammed & Charlemagne Revisited: The Epilogue
Sam Shamoun: Mary the Mother of Jesus: A Houri in Paradise?
Ralph Sidway: Bishop Mark of Berlin: A Voice in the Wilderness
Ralph H. Sidway: Can There Have Been Two Annunciations?
Ralph H. Sidway: "If Abraham were your father..." Refuting the Lie of the 'Abrahamic Religions' Fallacy
Ralph Sidway: 'Jesus Is Muslim' and 'Mohammad is in the Bible'
Ralph H. Sidway: The ‘Same God’ Question (Part 1). Why the wrong answer is killing the West, including America
Ralph H. Sidway: The ‘Same God’ Question (Part 2). Allah’s Theological Jihad against Christianity
Ralph H. Sidway: The ‘Same God’ Question (Part 3). ‘By their fruits you shall know them…’
Ralph H. Sidway: The Same God Question (Part 4). Eschatology and the End of Days
Robert Spencer: Chrislam “may hold a key or two for a more peaceful world”
Robert Spencer: Muslims, Our Natural Allies?
Robert Spencer: Pope Francis: "Authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence"
Robert Spencer: The Spiritual Journey of Magdi Allam
Robert Spencer: Vatican conference to promote Mary as ‘model for faith and life for Christianity and Islam’
Peter M.J. Stravinskas: Without Christian witness and culture, the West cannot resist Islam
David Warren: Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie
David Wood: Islam’s Rule of Thumb. The Resurrection Versus the Qur’an In the Light of Logic
Good books under the category Christianity/Islam:
The Gospel of Barnabas
Edited and Translated from the Italian Ms. in the Imperial Library at Vienna by Lonsdale and Laura RaggAbdullah al-Arabi:
The Islamization of America
The Islamic Strategies and The Christian ResponseNiels Henrik Arendt:
Gud er stor!
Om islam og kristendomJohn Alembillah Azumah:
The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa
A Quest for Inter-religious DialogueHilaire Belloc:
The Great HeresiesJens Christensen:
Islam og kristendomMark Durie:
Which God?
Jesus, Holy Spirit, God in Christianity and IslamMark Durie:
Do We Worship The Same God?Mateen Elass:
Understanding the Koran
A Quick Christian Guide to the Muslim Holy BookMark A. Gabriel:
Jesus and Muhammad
Profound Differences and Surprising SimilaritiesOleg Grabar:
The Dome of the RockRaymond Ibrahim:
The Battle of Yarmuk
An Assessment of the Immediate Factors behind the Islamic ConquestsRaymond Ibrahim:
Sword and Scimitar
Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the WestStanley L. Jaki:
Jesus, Islam, SciencePhilip Jenkins:
The Lost History of Christianity
The Thousand-Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia - and How It DiedWilliam Kilpatrick:
Christianity, Islam, and Atheism
The Struggle for the Soul of the WestWilliam Kilpatrick:
What Catholics Need to Know About IslamBruce A. McDowell:
Muslims and Christians at the Table
Promoting Biblical Understanding Among North American MuslimsGordon Nickel:
The Gentle Answer
to the Muslim Accusation of Biblical FalsificationNabeel Qureshi:
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus
A Devout Muslim Encounters ChristianityNabeel Qureshi:
No God but One: Allah or Jesus?
A Former Muslim Investigates the Evidence for Islam & ChristianityRobert R. Reilly:
The Prospects and Perils of Catholic-Muslim DialogueGabriel Said Reynolds:
Critique of Christian Origins
A Parallel English-Arabic TextJames V. Schall:
The Regensburg LectureAliah Schleifer:
Mary the Blessed Virgin of IslamMuhammad Shafiq:
Interfaith Dialogue
A Guide for MuslimsRalph H. Sidway:
Facing Islam
What the Ancient Church has to Say About the Religion of MuhammadDavid Sox:
The Gospel of BarnabasRobert Spencer:
Religion of Peace?
Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn'tRobert Spencer:
Not Peace but a Sword
The Great Chasm Between Christianity and IslamMuhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri:
Islam and Christianity
Complete text of Professor Qadri's address delivered at Oslo (Norway) 1984Muhammad 'Ata ur-Rahim:
Jesus, Prophet of Islam
Revised Edition
Latest articles
James M. Arlandson:
Islamic Sharia Law. Article Series
Robert Spencer:
Vatican conference to promote Mary as ‘model for faith and life for Christianity and Islam’
Raymond Ibrahim:
"Tortured Beyond Recognition", MPC December 2020
David Wood:
Islam’s Rule of Thumb.
Raymond Ibrahim:
"They Shot My Wife in the Head and Cut Our Four Children into Pieces", MPC November 2020
James M. Arlandson:
17. How to Judge Sharia
Raymond Ibrahim:
Butchered in an “Atrocious Way”, MPC October 2020
Muhammad's Suicide Attempts
Raymond Ibrahim:
"The Priest Died Like a Dog!", MPC September 2020
Leo Hohmann:
Pope Francis unleashes demons of globalism on unsuspecting church
Raymond Ibrahim:
"They Rape Our Women, Kill Our People, and Burn Our Properties", MPC August 2020
Ralph H. Sidway:
Can There Have Been Two Annunciations?
William Kilpatrick:
What Catholics Need to Know About Islam
Raymond Ibrahim:
"An Injustice Crying Out to Heaven", MPC July 2020
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