Articles by Raymond Ibrahim:

Muslim Persecution of Christians: A Centuries Old Phenomenon

“Abducting Women” and “Destroying Churches” is “Real Islam”—Iraqi Grand Ayatollah

An Analysis of Al-Qa'ida's Worldview.
Reciprocal Treatment or Religious Obligation?

An Islamic Declaration of War on Christianity

Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?

Beheading Infidels.
How Allah ‘Heals the Hearts of Believers’

Collective Punishment Under Islam

Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians.
An Interview with Raymond Ibrahim (by Wolff Bachner)

Death to Churches Under Islam: A Study of the Coptic Church, Part I

Death to Churches Under Islam: A Study of the Coptic Church, Part II

Does the Hijab Reflect “Adherence to Sharia Law”?

Egypt, 2012: The Year In Fatwas

Egypt's Massacre of Christians: What the Media Does Not Want You To Know

Egypt's Sex-Slave Marriage

How Islam Erased Christianity from History

How Taqiyya Alters Islam's Rules of War.
Defeating Jihadist Terrorism

How the Islamic World was Forged: An Exercise in Common Sense

“Islam Hates Us” More Than You Know

Islam, War, and Deceit. A Synthesis

Islamic 'Adult Breastfeeding' Fatwas Return

Islamic Doctrines Justify Sex Jihad (With Video)

Islamic Jihad and the Doctrine of Abrogation

Islamic Jizya: Fact and Fiction

Islamic Jizya: ‘Protection’ from Whom?

Islam’s Erasure of the Mideast’s Judaic and Christian Heritage

Islam’s Insanities: All Just a ‘Hoax’?

Islam’s ‘Protestant Reformation’

Islam’s ‘Rule of Numbers’ Explains London Beheading

Islam's Will to Power.
An Interview with Raymond Ibrahim (by Niram Ferretti)

Jihad and Criminality: Inseparable Bedfellows

Just War vs Just Plain-Old Jihad

‘Largest Massacre of Christians in Syria’ Ignored

Muhammad and Forced Conversions to Islam

Muhammad and the Virgin Mary: A Match Made in Heaven?

Muslim Blood Superior to Infidel Blood

Muslim Husbands Must Hate Non-Muslim Wives

Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2011

Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2011

Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2011

Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2011

Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2012

Muslim Persecution of Christians: February 2012

Muslim Persecution of Christians: March 2012

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012

Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2012

Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2012

Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2012

Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2012

Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2012

Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2012

Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2012

Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2012

Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April, 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2014

Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2015

Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2015

Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2015

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April, 2015

Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2015

Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2015

Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2015

Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2015

Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2015

Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2015

Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2015

Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2015

Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2016

Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2016

Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2016

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April, 2016

Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2016

Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2016

Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2016

Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2016

Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2016

Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2016

Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2016

Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2016

Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2017

Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2017

Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2017

Muslim Persecution of Christians: April, 2017

Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2017

Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2017

Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2017

Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2017

Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2017

Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2017

Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2017

Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2017

Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2018

Muslim Persecution of Christians, February 2018

Muslim Persecution of Christians, March 2018

Muslim Persecution of Christians, April 2018

Muslim Persecution of Christians, May 2018

Muslim Persecution of Christians, June 2018

Muslim Persecution of Christians, July 2018

Muslim Persecution of Christians, August 2018

Muslim Persecution of Christians, September 2018

Muslim Persecution of Christians, October 2018

Muslim Persecution of Christians, November 2018

Muslim Persecution of Christians, December 2018

Muslim Persecution of Christians, January 2019

Muslim Persecution of Christians, February 2019

Muslim Persecution of Christians, March 2019

Muslim Persecution of Christians, April 2019

Muslim Persecution of Christians, May 2019

"Tomorrow We Are Coming to Kill You All!" MPC June 2019

"Convert, Marry Me, or Die", MPC July 2019

"They Asked Him to Deny Christ", MPC August 2019

"Police Urinated on and Cursed Him for Being Christian", MPC September 2019

"Burned beyond Recognition", MPC October 2019

“I Never Thought We’d Face This Much Hatred", MPC November 2019

"Kidnapped, Raped, Humiliated, and Forced to Convert to Islam", MPC December 2019

He Simply “Hates Christians”, MPC January 2020

"Jihadists Martyred Him for Refusing to Renounce Jesus Christ", MPC February 2020

"Clean Our Toilets and Take Our Germs to Your Church!", MPC March 2020

"I Don’t Like Christians", MPC April 2020

"32,000 Christians Butchered to Death", MPC May 2020

"Burned Alive", MPC June 2020

"An Injustice Crying Out to Heaven", MPC July 2020

"They Rape Our Women, Kill Our People, and Burn Our Properties", MPC August 2020

"The Priest Died Like a Dog!", MPC September 2020

Butchered in an “Atrocious Way”, MPC October 2020

"They Shot My Wife in the Head and Cut Our Four Children into Pieces", MPC November 2020

"Tortured Beyond Recognition", MPC December 2020

Muslim Slaughters Christian for Selling Alcohol in Egypt (video)

New Fatwa Calls on Men to Drink Women’s Breast Milk

New Fatwa Permits Rape of Non-Sunni Women in Syria

Parallels between Islam and the Mafia, Part 1

Parallels between Islam and the Mafia, Part 2

Parallels between Islam and the Mafia, Part 3

Pope Francis’ Jihad on Christianity

In Pictures: Savage Islamic Attack on St. Mark Cathedral Allowed by Egyptian Forces

Egypt’s Sisi: Islamic 'Thinking' Is 'Antagonizing the Entire World'

Strategies For Countering Radical Islamist Ideologies:
Overcoming Conceptual Difficulties

Syria’s Graphic Beheading Videos

Taqiyya Sunset: Exposing the Darkness Shrouding Islamic Deceit

Tawriya: "Creative Lying" Advocated in Islam

Taysir: Top Muslim Cleric Qaradawi Urges Western Muslims to ‘Liberalize’ (Outwardly, Anyway)

The Battle of Antioch: “Here the Name Christian Was Born”

The Battle of Hattin

The Battle of Yarmuk.
History’s Most Consequential Muslim/Western Clash

The First and Forgotten Armenian Genocide of 1019 AD

The Forgotten Genocide - and Why it Matters Today

The Islamic Genocide of Christians: Past and Present

The Islamic State and Islam

How the Islamist Mindset Rationalizes – and Promotes – ‘Sex Sins’

The Koran and Eternal War

The Logic of Islamic Intolerance

The Muslim Brotherhood: Origins, Efficacy and Reach

The Muslim Man’s Sexual “Rights” Over Non-Muslim Women

The Muslim Rape of Christian Nuns

The perverse sexual habits of the Prophet, Part I

The perverse sexual habits of the Prophet, Part II

The perverse sexual habits of the Prophet, Part III

The perverse sexual habits of the Prophet, Part IV

The perverse sexual habits of the Prophet, Part V

The Siege of Byzantium.
In 717–18, Western civilization was hanging by a thread

The Siege of Vienna, 1683

The Significance of Sisi’s Speech

The Threat of Islamic Betrayal

The West’s Prostration to Islam

Turkey’s Latest Jihad on Christian Armenians

Two Scandinavian journalists expose the West's demise from 'weak Christianity' (Video)

Video: Christian Girls Gang Raped in Egypt to Screams of ‘Allahu Akbar!’

Was Marco Polo an 'Islamophobe'?
A Study in Continuity

West Saved from Islam at Battle of Tours

Western Ignorance of the ‘Conditions of Omar’

What Did You Say About Muhammad?

When Muslims Betray Non-Muslim Friends and Neighbors

Where’s the Pope’s Encyclical on Christian Persecution?

Why Are Christians the World’s Most Persecuted Group?

Why the West Should Listen to Hungary on Muslim Refugees is established by a Danish private person. He is a Christian and calls himself Bombadillo. The purpose is to bring objective information about Islam. The hope is to contribute to the demolition of Islam in Denmark and elsewhere. In this truth is a good means.
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