Articles by Andrew G. Bostom:

A Modern Jihad Genocide

America’s First War on Terror

Antisemitism in the Hadith and Early Muslim Biographies of Muhammad, Part 1.

Antisemitism in the Hadith and Early Muslim Biographies of Muhammad, Part 2.

Antisemitism in the Hadith and Early Muslim Biographies of Muhammad, Part 3.

Antisemitism in the Hadith and Early Muslim Biographies of Muhammad, Part 4.

Antisemitism in the Qur’an, Part 1.

Antisemitism in the Qur’an, Part 2.

Antisemitism in the Qur’an, Part 3.

Antisemitism in the Qur’an, Part 4.

Arab Muslim Anti-Semitism

Armenian Golgotha

Badging Infidels in Iran

Before There Were “Rohingyas” ...
... Colonizing Bengali Muslims Waged Jihad in Myanmar—And It Continues Apace

Hiskett Diagnosed Nigeria’s—and the World’s—Islam Problem, in 1993

Hitler and Jihad (Part 1)

Hitler and Jihad (Part 2)

Hitler and Jihad (Part 3)

Ibrahim’s Historical Reconquista.
New Book Reveals Christendom’s 1400-Year Struggle Against Jihad

Islamofascism. Hitler, Muhammad, and Islam. Part 1

Islamofascism. Hitler, Muhammad, and Islam. Part 2

Jews as "Christ-Killers" in Islam

Khamenei, Allah, and Totalitarian Islam

Muhammad, the Qurayza Massacre, and PBS

Palestinian Clerics Call for Jihad Genocide of the Jews

Sayonara Shari’a?

“Secular” Turkey’s Brutal Jihad Conquest and Islamization of Northern Cyprus

Sufi Jihad

Ten Key Points on Islamic Blasphemy Law and Non-Muslims

The Ayatollahs’ Final Solution?

The Cordoba House and the Myth of Andalusian “Ecumenism”

The Corrosive Hagiography of Muslim Spain

The Jihad Genocide of the Armenians

The Legacy of Jihad in India

The living legacy of jihad slavery

The 'Rape Factor' in Islam (updated).
Wafa Sultan educates Bill O'Reilly

The Real Roots of Muslim Hatred

Turkey: Back to the Future?

Ottoman Dhimmitude

Turkey: From Failed Reforms to a Modern Jihad Genocide

Under Turkish Rule, Part I

Under Turkish Rule, Part II

Under Turkish Rule, Part III

Understanding Meriam Ibrahim’s Plight.
From Marco Polo to Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Sharia Engenders “Religious” Hatred Towards Christians

Why “Abrahamic Dialogue” is Submission to Islam is established by a Danish private person. He is a Christian and calls himself Bombadillo. The purpose is to bring objective information about Islam. The hope is to contribute to the demolition of Islam in Denmark and elsewhere. In this truth is a good means.
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