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Artikler under kategorien Islams historie:
Andrew G. Bostom: Ibrahims historiske Reconquista. Ny bog blotlægger kristenhedens 1400-årige kamp mod jihad
Ibrahim al-Buleihi: Vestlig civilisation har frigjort menneskeheden. Interview med Ibrahim al-Buleihi
Jonathan David Carson: Islamisk filosofis ikke-så-gyldne tidsalder
Patricia Crone: Blandt de troende. Et nyt syn på islams oprindelse skildrer en tolerant verden, der måske ikke har eksisteret
Sujit Das: Gamle Koran-manuskripter fra Sana’a og det guddommeliges fald
Gregory M. Davis: Islam for begyndere
Mark Durie: Ismael er ikke arabernes fader
Dario Fernandez-Morera: Da ånderne kolliderede. Islam og kristendom i den vestlige civilisations forløb
Darío Fernandez-Morera: Myten om det andalusiske paradis
Fjordman: Afsløring af Muhammeds usikre eksistens
Fjordman: Hvorfor kristne accepterede græsk naturfilosofi, men muslimer ikke gjorde det
Fjordman: Islam, grækerne og den videnskabelige revolution, del 1
Fjordman: Islam, grækerne og den videnskabelige revolution, del 2
Fjordman: Islam, grækerne og den videnskabelige revolution, del 3
Fjordman: Sandheden om "islamisk videnskab"
Fjordman: Til præsident Obama. Om islam og naturvidenskab
Neil Godfrey: Eksisterede Muhammed? Et revisionistisk blik på islams oprindelse
Danusha V. Goska: Historien om jihad fra Muhammed til Islamisk Stat. Robert Spencers nye uomgængelige bog
Samuel Green: En oversigt over hvordan Muhammed spredte islam
Boris Havel: Jerusalem i tidlig islamisk tradition
Henry Hopwood-Phillips: Fromt falskneri: Hvordan islam omskabte sin oprindelse i sit eget billede
Henry Hopwood-Phillips: Mission Impossible? Et interview med Tom Holland
Raymond Ibrahim: Belejringen af Konstantinopel. I årene 717-18 hang vestlig civilisation i en tynd tråd
Raymond Ibrahim: Belejringen af Wien, 1683
Raymond Ibrahim: Hvornår og hvorfor Vesten begyndte at "dæmonisere" Muhammed
Raymond Ibrahim: Sådan blev den islamiske verden smedet: En øvelse i sund fornuft
Raymond Ibrahim: Slaget ved Antiokia: "Her blev navnet 'kristen' født"
Raymond Ibrahim: Slaget ved Hattin
Raymond Ibrahim: Slaget ved Yarmuk. Historiens mest skæbnesvangre muslimsk/vestlige sammenstød
Katolsk forsker: Er islam ægte?
William Kilpatrick: Islams tusindårskrig mod kristenheden
Emmet Scott: De romerske byers skæbne i Mellemøsten og Nordafrika
Emmet Scott: Den afrikanske slavehandel: Den islamiske forbindelse
Emmet Scott: Den islamiske handel med europæiske slaver
Emmet Scott: Er de arabiske erobringer en myte?
Emmet Scott: Mohammed & Charlemagne Revisited: Epilogen
Emmet Scott: Sunni-shia-splittelsen og islams gådefulde oprindelse
Ali Sina: Aisha, Muhammeds barnehustru
Robert Spencer: Arkæologer opdager tidlige islamiske mønter med billede af en menorah
Robert Spencer: Islam, historie og tro. Jødedom og kristendom har gennemgået en intensiv historisk undersøgelse. Hvorfor ikke islam?
Robert Spencer: Islams oprindelse er ikke, hvad den synes at være. Eksplosiv bog viser hvorfor
Paul Stenhouse: "Guldalderen" under Harun al-Rashid
Paul Stenhouse: Korstogene i kontekst
Abul Taher: Spørgsmålstegn ved Koranen
Serge Trifkovic: Islams Guldalder er en myte
Bill Warner: Den jihad, der førte til korstogene - Tidslinie
Bill Warner: Udslettelsen af civilisationer
David Wood: En forhekset profet? En undersøgelse af Muhammeds psykiske og åndelige stabilitet
David Wood: Islam halshugget. Informationsmotorvejen og muhammedanismens død
David Wood: Tab ikke hovedet! Fire grunde til islams tidlige udbredelse
Bat Yeor: Myter og politik. Det tolerante pluralistiske islamiske samfund: En mytes oprindelse
Bat Yeor: Østlige kristne sønderrevet. Udfordringer - nye og gamle
Gode bøger under kategorien Islams historie:
A. I. Akram:
Khalid bin Al-Waleed: Sword of Allah
A biographical study of the greatest military general in historyAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. VI
Muhammad at MeccaAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. VII
The Foundation of the CommunityAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. VIII
The Victory of IslamAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. IX
The Last Years of the ProphetAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. XII
The Battle of al-Qadisiyyah and the Conquest of Syria and PalestineAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. X
The Conquest of ArabiaAbu Ja'far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari:
The History of al-Tabari, vol. XI
The Challenge to the EmpiresMuhammad b. Umar al-Waqidi:
Kitab al-Maghazi
The Life of Muhammad
Translated by Rizwi Faizer, Amal Ismail and AbdulKadar TayobDr. Rafat Amari:
Islam: In light of HistoryArab Faqih:
Futuh al-Habasa
The Conquest of Abyssinia [16th Century]
Translated by Poul Lester Stenhouse - Annotiations by Richard PankhurstMarkus Aurelius:
Bleeding for Allah
Why Islam will Conquer the Free World
What Americans Need to KnowBabur:
Memoirs of Babur, Prince and EmperorHilaire Belloc:
The Great HeresiesKåre Bluitgen:
KORANEN og profeten Muhammeds liv
Fortælling efter islams ældste kilderAndrew G. Bostom:
The Legacy of Jihad
Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-MuslimsAndrew G. Bostom:
The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism
From Sacred Texts to Solemn HistoryFrants Buhl:
Muhammeds Liv
Tredje reviderede udgave ved Finn O. Hvidbjerg-HansenAlfred J. Butler:
The Arab Conquest of Egypt and the Last Years of the Roman DominionPatricia Crone:
God's Caliph
Religious authority in the first centuries of IslamPatricia Crone:
God's Rule: Government and Islam
Six Centuries of Medieval Islamic Political ThoughtRoger Crowley:
Empires of the Sea
The Final Battle for the MediterraneanAli Dashti:
23 Years
A Study of the Prophetic Career of MohammadReinhart Dozy:
Spanish Islam
A History of the Muslims in SpainTaqi-Ed-Din El-Maqrizi:
A Short History Of The Copts And Of Their Church (1873)
(Translated by S. C. Malan)Reuven Firestone:
The Origin of Holy War in IslamPeter Frankopan:
The First Crusade
The Call from the EastPaul Fregosi:
Jihad in the West
Muslim Conquests from the 7th to the 21st CenturiesMurray Gordon:
Slavery in the Arab WorldOleg Grabar:
The Dome of the RockMuhammad Hamidullah:
The Battlefields of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
A Contribution to Muslim Military HistoryMervyn Hiskett:
The Sword of Truth
The Life and Times of the Shehu Usuman dan FodioTom Holland:
In the Shadow of the Sword
The Battle for Global Empire and the End of the Ancient WorldPervez Hoodbhoy:
Islam and Science
Religious Orthodoxy and the Battle for RationalityRobert G. Hoyland:
Seeing Islam as Others saw it
A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early IslamRobert G. Hoyland:
Arabia and the Arabs
From the Bronze Age to the Coming of IslamRobert G. Hoyland:
In God's Path
The Arab Conquests and the Creation of an Islamic EmpireToby E. Huff:
The Rise of Early Modern Science
Islam, China and the WestIbn Battutah:
The Travels of Ibn Battutah
Abridged, introduced and annotated by
Tim Mackintosh-SmithIbn Ishaq:
The Life of Muhammad
A Translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah by A. GuillaumeIbn Ishaq:
Muhammeds liv
På dansk ved Henrik Ræder ClausenIbn Katheer:
In Defence of the True Faith
Taken from
Al-Bidayah Wan-NihayahIbn Khaldun:
The Muqaddimah
An Introduction to HistoryIbn Sa'd:
Kitab Al-tabaqat Al-kabir, vol. 1Ibn Sa'd:
Kitab Al-tabaqat Al-kabir, vol. 2Ibn Warraq:
The Quest for the Historical Muhammad
Edited and Translated by Ibn WarraqIbn Warraq:
The Islam in Islamic Terrorism
The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and IdeologyRaymond Ibrahim:
The Battle of Yarmuk
An Assessment of the Immediate Factors behind the Islamic ConquestsRaymond Ibrahim:
Sword and Scimitar
Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the WestPhilip Jenkins:
The Lost History of Christianity
The Thousand-Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia - and How It DiedEfraim Karsh:
Islamic Imperialism
A HistoryStephen M. Kirby:
Islam's Militant Prophet
Muhammad and Forced Conversions to IslamK. S. Lal:
Theory and Practice of Muslim State in IndiaK. S. Lal:
The Legacy of Muslim Rule in IndiaBernard Lewis:
What Went Wrong
Western Impact and Middle Eastern ResponseBernard Lewis:
The Middle East
2000 Years of History from the Rise of Christianity to the Present DayBernard Lewis:
The Assassins
A Radical Sect in IslamBernard Lewis:
Islam in History
Ideas, People, and Events in the Middle EastDavid Samuel Margoliouth:
Mohammed and the Rise of IslamRichard C. Martin:
Defenders of Reason in Islam
Mu'tazilism from Medieval School to Modern SymbolWilliam Muir:
The Life of Mohammad
From Original SourcesYehuda D. Nevo:
Crossroads to Islam
The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab StateDe Lacy O'Leary:
How Greek Science Passed to the ArabsKarl-Heinz Ohlig:
The Hidden Origins of Islam
New Research Into Its Early HistoryKarl-Heinz Ohling (ed.):
Early Islam
A Critical Reconstruction Based on Contemporary SourcesK. N. Pandit (trans. and ed.):
A Chronicle of Mediaeval KashmirDaniel Pipes:
The Rushdie Affair
The Novel, The Ayatollah and the WestDaniel Pipes:
Slave Soldiers and Islam
The Genesis of a Military SystemHenri Pirenne:
Mohammed and CharlemagneDavid S. Powers:
Muhammad Is Not the Father of Any of Your Men
The Making of the Last ProphetNobert G. Pressburg:
What the Modern Martyr Should Know
Seventy-Two Grapes and Not a Single Virgin
The New Picture of IslamRobert R. Reilly:
The Closing of the Muslim Mind
How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist CrisisGabriel Said Reynolds:
Critique of Christian Origins
A Parallel English-Arabic TextMalise Ruthven:
Historical Atlas of the Islamic WorldEmmet Scott:
Mohammed & Charlemagne Revisited
The History of a ControversyEmmet Scott:
The Impact of IslamEmmet Scott:
A Guide to the Phantom Dark AgeRonald Segal:
Islam's Black Slaves
The Other Black DiasporaAnwar Shaikh:
Islam, the Arab ImperialismShashi S. Sharma:
Caliphs and Sultans
Religious Ideology and Political PraxisWilfred Cantwell Smith:
Islam in Modern HistoryRobert Spencer:
Did Muhammad Exist?
An Inquiery into Islam's Obscure OriginsRobert Spencer:
The History of Jihad
From Muhammad to ISISTheophanes:
The Chronicle of Theophanes
Anni mundi 6095-6305 (A.D. 602-813)Peter Townsend:
The Mecca Mystery
Probing the Black Hole at the Heart of Muslim HistoryPeter Townsend:
The House Built on Sand
An Emad Almasry Mystery
NovelSerge Trifkovic:
The Sword of the Prophet
History, Theology, Impact On the WorldBenjamin Walker:
Foundations of Islam
The Making of a World ReligionJohn Wansbrough:
The Sectarian Milieu
Content and Composition of Islamic Salvation HistoryBill Warner:
Mohammad and the Unbelievers
A Political LifeBat Ye'or:
The Dhimmi
Jews and Christians under IslamBat Ye'or:
Islam and Dhimmitude
Where Civilizations Collide
Seneste artikler
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Raymond Ibrahim:
"Tortureret hinsides genkendelse", MFK December 2020
David Wood:
Islams tommelfingerregel.
Raymond Ibrahim:
"De skød min kone i hovedet og skar vore fire børn i småstykker", MFK November 2020
James M. Arlandson:
17. Hvordan man skal dømme sharia
Raymond Ibrahim:
Slagtet på en "grusom måde", MFK Oktober 2020
Muhammeds selvmordsforsøg
Raymond Ibrahim:
"Præsten døde som en hund!", MFK September 2020
Leo Hohmann:
Pave Frans slipper globalismens dæmoner løs på en intetanende kirke
Raymond Ibrahim:
"De voldtager vore kvinder, dræber vort folk og brænder vore ejendomme", MFK August 2020
Ralph H. Sidway:
Kan der have været to bebudelser?
William Kilpatrick:
Hvad katolikker har brug for at vide om islam
Raymond Ibrahim:
"En uretfærdighed, der skriger til himlen", MFK Juli 2020
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