Artikler under kategorien Generelt:

Ahmad al-Baghdadi: Islam. Verdens ottende vidunder?

Fr. Michel Boniface: Virkelig islam versus indbildt islam

Wolfgang Bruno: Islamisk ordbog for vantro

Rebecca Bynum: Hvorfor islam ikke er en religion

Gregory M. Davis: Islam for begyndere

Jude P. Dougherty: Fiktiv IS og den sande trussel

Mark Durie: Islam, COVID-19 og det guddommelige dekret

Mark Durie: Islams anden krise: De kommende vanskeligheder

Mark Durie: Tony Blair om den islamistiske trussel

Hugh Fitzgerald: En anmeldelse af Ibn Warraqs The Islam In Islamic Terrorism

Daniel Greenfield: Ekstremistiske muslimske moderate og moderate muslimske ekstremister

Raymond Ibrahim: Islams 'protestantiske reformation'

Raymond Ibrahim: Islams vilje til magt. Et interview med Raymond Ibrahim (by Niram Ferretti)

Raymond Ibrahim: Muhammed og tvangskonverteringer til islam

Raymond Ibrahim: Paralleller mellem islam og mafiaen, del 1

Raymond Ibrahim: Paralleller mellem islam og mafiaen, del 2

Raymond Ibrahim: Paralleller mellem islam og mafiaen, del 3

Raymond Ibrahim: Var Marco Polo 'islamofob'? Et studium i kontinuitet

Howard Kainz: Er islam en religion?

Katolsk forsker: Er islam ægte?

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini: Islam er ikke en religion for pacifister

William Kilpatrick: God islam versus dårlig islam

William Kilpatrick: Myten om det store flertal

Stephen M. Kirby: Ahmadi-muslimer kaprer islam

Stephen M. Kirby: Jeg elsker islam

Toby Lester: Hvad er Koranen?

Suhas Majumdar: Jihad og fordrivelse af ikke-muslimer fra islamiske lande. Tillæg 1

Majid Rafizadeh: Den falske modsætning: Moderate muslimer versus radikale

Robert Reymond: Hvad er der galt med islam?

James V. Schall, S.J.: Realisme og islam

Robert Spencer: 5 Koran-forklaringer på dagens overskrifter

Robert Spencer: Islam: Bigotternes religion

Robert Spencer: Islams oprindelse er ikke, hvad den synes at være. Eksplosiv bog viser hvorfor

Gode bøger under kategorien Generelt:
Dr. Rafat Amari:
Islam: In light of History
Markus Aurelius:
Bleeding for Allah
Why Islam will Conquer the Free World
What Americans Need to Know
Salem Azzam, ed.:
Islam and Contemporary Society
Helle Merete Brix:
Islam i Vesten - På Koranens Vej?
En antologi
Brother Rashid:
The Ideology Behind Islamic Terrorism
Patricia Crone:
God's Rule: Government and Islam
Six Centuries of Medieval Islamic Political Thought
Abdoldjavad Falaturi:
A Guide to the Presentation of Islam in School Textbooks
Massoud Fouroozandeh:
Koranens dilemma - Sociologisk
Hvorfor er Koranen ikke en hellig bog?
Et oplæg til debat og eftertanke...
Mark A. Gabriel:
Coffee with the Prophet
A 21st Century Encounter with the Prophet of Islam
Sita Ram Goel:
The Calcutta Quran Petition
Third Revised and Enlarged Edition
Oleg Grabar:
The Dome of the Rock
Mervyn Hiskett:
Some to Mecca Turn to Pray
Islamic Values in the Modern World
Robert G. Hoyland:
Seeing Islam as Others saw it
A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam
Ibn Battutah:
The Travels of Ibn Battutah
Abridged, introduced and annotated by
Tim Mackintosh-Smith
Ibn Warraq:
Derfor er jeg ikke muslim
Ibn Warraq:
Virgins? What Virgins?
and Other Essays
Stephen M. Kirby:
Islam and Barack Hussein Obama
A Handbook on Islam
Stephen M. Kirby:
Letting Islam be Islam
Separating Truth From Myth
Stephen M. Kirby:
Islam According to Muhammad
... Not Your Neighbor
Gerhard Konzelmann:
Den islamiske udfordring
Reuben Levy:
The Social Structure of Islam
Bernard Lewis:
The Political Language of Islam
Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi:
Let us be Muslims
V. S. Naipaul:
Ikke til at tro
Islamiske rejser blandt de konverterede folk
V. S. Naipaul:
Blandt de rettroende
En islamisk rejse
Yehuda D. Nevo:
Crossroads to Islam
The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab State
Karl-Heinz Ohling (ed.):
Early Islam
A Critical Reconstruction Based on Contemporary Sources
Daniel Pipes:
In the Path of God
Islam and Political Power
Nobert G. Pressburg:
What the Modern Martyr Should Know
Seventy-Two Grapes and Not a Single Virgin
The New Picture of Islam
Sayyid Qutb:
Islam and Universal Peace
Fazlur Rahman:
Second Edition
Andrew Rippin:
Their religious beliefs and practices
Berry Rubin:
Anti-American Terrorism and the Middle East
A Documentary Reader
S. Salomon:
The Mosque Exposed
Samir Khalil Samir, S.J.:
111 Questions on Islam
on Islam and the West
Anwar Shaikh:
Islam, the Arab Imperialism
Paula Youngman Skreslet:
The Litterature of Islam
A Guide to the Primary Sources in English Translation
Niels Erik Søndergaard (red.):
De binder os på mund og hånd
Racistiske overgreb mod danskere
Robert Spencer:
Did Muhammad Exist?
An Inquiery into Islam's Obscure Origins
Bruce S. Thornton:
The Wages of Appeasement
Ancient Athens, Munich, and Obama's America
Serge Trifkovic:
The Sword of the Prophet
History, Theology, Impact On the World
Unknown Author:
Islam - Evil in the Name of God
270,000,000 Murdered by Islam
Greatest Holocaust in History
Benjamin Walker:
Foundations of Islam
The Making of a World Religion er oprettet af en dansk privatperson. Han er kristen og kalder sig Bombadillo. Formålet er at give saglig oplysning om islam. Håbet er at kunne bidrage til nedbrydningen af islam i Danmark og andre steder. Til dette er sandhed et godt middel.
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