Reading the Qur’an during Ramadan: Introduction
Online book
By Robert Spencer
Danish translation: Læsning af Koranen i ramadanen: Introduktion
Source: Jihad Watch, June 7, 2016
Published on July 9, 2016

A juz (جزء‎‎) is one of thirty divisions of the Qur'an, roughly equal in length. If a believing Muslim (or anyone) reads one a day, he or she will have read the entire Qur'an in a month. This is often done during Ramadan, with the recitation of one juz each night.

The following is a reissuing of Robert Spencer's "Blogging the Qur'an" series, now divided by ajza (the plural of juz).


1. Juz Alhamdulillah (Qur'an 1:1 - 2:140)
2. Juz Sayaqul (Qur'an 2:141 - 2:252)
3. Juz Tilka ar-Rusul (Qur'an 2:253 - 3:92)
4. Juz Lantanalu al-Birra (Qur'an 3:93 - 4:23)
5. Juz W-al-Muhsanat (Qur'an 4:24 - 4:144)
6. Juz La Yuhibbullah (Qur'an 4:145 - 5:78)
7. Juz Wa Idha sami'u (Qur'an 5:79 - 6:108)
8. Juz Wa law annana (Qur'an 6:109 - 7:95)
9. Juz Qal al-Mala (Qur'an 7:96 - 8:39)
10. Juz Wa Alamu (Qur'an 8:40 - 9:91)
11. Juz Ya'tadhiruna (Qur'an 9:92 - 11:24)
12. Juz Wa ma min dabbah (Qur'an 11:25 - 12:50)
13. Juz Wa ma ubarri'u (Qur'an 12:51 - 14:52)
14. Juz Rubama (Qur'an 15:1 - 16:128)
15. Juz Subhana Alladhi (Qur'an 17:1 - 18:74)
16. Juz Qala alum (Qur'an 18:75 - 20:135)
17. Juz Aqtaraba (Qur'an 21:1 - 22:78)
18. Juz Qad aflaha (Qur'an 23:1 - 25:10)
19. Juz Wa Qala Alladhina (Qur'an 25:11 - 27:52)
20. Juz Amman khalaq (Qur'an 27:53 - 29:45)
21. Juz Utlu ma uhiya (Qur'an 29:46 - 33:27)
22. Juz Wa-man yaqnut (Qur'an 33:28 - 36:29)
23. Juz Wa-ma-liya (Qur'an 36:30 - 39:29)
24. Juz Fa-man azlamu (Qur'an 39:30 - 41:54)
25. Juz Ilayhi Yuraddu (Qur'an 42:1 - 45:37)
26. Juz Ha Mim (Qur'an 46:1 - 51:60)
27. Juz Qala Fa-ma Khatbukum (Qur'an 52:1 - 57:29)
28. Juz Qad Sami Allahu (Qur'an 58:1 - 66:12)
29. Juz Tabaraka Alladhi (Qur'an 67:1 - 77:50)
30. Juz Amma (Qur'an 78:1 - 114:6)

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and author of the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book, Not Peace but a Sword: The Great Chasm Between Christianity and Islam, is now available.