A Study of Biblical and Islamic Eschatology
Source: Answering Islam
Published on myIslam.dk: October 4, 2012
Table of Contents
Introduction: A Note From The Author
Part One: Introduction to Islamic Eschatology And Doctrine
Chapter 1. Why This Book? Waking Up to The Islamic Revival
Chapter 2. The Sacred Texts of Islam
Chapter 3. Islamic Eschatology
Chapter 4. The Mahdi: Islam's Awaited Messiah
Chapter 5. Comparing The Biblical Antichrist and The Mahdi
Chapter 6. The Muslim Jesus
Chapter 7. Comparing The False Prophet and The Muslim Jesus
Chapter 8. The Dajjal: Islam's Antichrist
Chapter 9. Comparing The Biblical Jesus and The Dajjal
Chapter 10. The Revived Islamic Empire of The Antichrist
Chapter 11. The Dark Nature of Muhammad's Revelations
Chapter 12. The Antichrist Spirit of Islam
Chapter 13. Islam's Ancient Hatred for The Jews
Chapter 14. End Time Martyrdom And Islam's Practice of Beheading
Chapter 15. Jihad And Islam's Goal of World Domination
Chapter 16. Understanding Deceit and Dishonesty in Islam
Chapter 17. The Great Apostasy, Terror and Islam's Conversion Rates
Chapter 18. Summary of Comparisons
Part Two: Further Analysis
Chapter 19. Potential Problems With The Thesis
Chapter 20. Further Thoughts
Part Three: How Should We Respond?
Chapter 21. Responding with Prayer
Chapter 22. Responding with Outreach
Chapter 23. Preparing for Martyrdom
Appendix: Embracing Biblical Eschatology
An expanded second edition of the book may be purchased here.
For more information, please visit the author’s web
site at:

Joel Richardson is foremost an ambassador of Jesus Christ, a husband and a father committed to the pro-life and adoption movements. He is an artist, human rights activist, New York Times Bestselling author, internationally recognized speaker and regular columnist for WND. Joel has a long history of outreach to the Muslim community and has a passion to see Muslims come to Christ. Joel is also a recognized expert on Biblical Prophecy and the Middle East. Joel is the author, co-author or co-editor of the following books:
af Jew Rules the World: What the Bible Really Says about Israel in the Plan of God
Beast: The Scriptural Case For an Islamic Antichrist
Antichrist: The Shocking Truth About the Real Nature of the Beast
War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy & the Bible
We Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out