Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV
Source: Jihad Watch, April 3, 2009
Published on July 29, 2013

Father Zakaria Botros
"This is all from your own books, O Muslims!"
This being the continuation of Fr Zakaria Botros’ examination of Muhammad's sexual morality (or lack thereof).
Last we left the Coptic priest, he was discussing Muhammad’s predilection for menstruating women—even though the Koran itself (as Fr Botros put it, “his own words”) forbid men from getting near to menstruating women.
Here, the priest was interested in examining Muhammad’s faithlessness towards his wives (though one would have thought the plural renders the notion of faithfulness moot), his sexually exploitative behavior, and his reliance on very obscene language.
First, Fr Botros spent some time discussing the well known story where the prophet betrayed his wife Hafsa with a slave-girl (Unfortunately, one cannot capture the hilarity with which the priest recounted this tale)
In short, after sending Hafsa to visit her father, the latter, halfway there, realized that it was “her day”—that is, the day when, of all his wives, Muhammad would visit her for “conjugal relations.” She hurried back (Fr Botros added, “She knew him well: if she wasn’t there on her day, he would go crazy and grab the first female passing by!”).
In fact, Hafsa caught Muhammad with a slave-girl on the former’s bed. Muhammad quickly evicted the slave-girl and told Hafsa that if she kept this between them, he would henceforth refrain from the slave-girl.
To no avail: Hafsa gabbed and soon all of Muhammad’s wives revolted against his incessant philandering. As Fr Botros put it, “When things got critical, Muhammad decided to drop a ‘new revelation’ on them; so he threw surat al-tahrim (66:1-11) at them, wherein Allah supposedly chastises Muhammad for trying to please his wives by not sleeping around, threatening the wives to get in line lest the prophet divorce them—indeed, lest they all go to hell.”
Then, looking at the screen, Fr Botros asked, “Imagine, dear lady, if your husband asked you to go on errand and then you return before your time only to find him in bed with another woman? What sort of man would that make him in your eyes? Yet it’s worse—it’s your prophet, whom you all extol as the most perfect human, to be slavishly emulated!”
He then pointed out that “clever little Aisha knew him [Muhammad] well”: whenever such verses were revealed rescuing Muhammad, Aisha would often observe that "Verily, your lord [Allah] is ever quick to fulfill your whims and desires (e.g., al-Siyuti v. 6, p. 629).
Next the priest relayed an account portraying how the prophet sexually exploited a "retarded" woman. According to 23 sources (e.g., Sahih Muslim vol. 4, p. 1812) a feeble-minded woman came up to Muhammad saying, "O prophet of Allah! I have something for you." He clandestinely met her out back and took this "something" from her.
Added Fr Botros: "I fear now that many believers will want to implement this sunna—don’t do it, guys, this is just to illustrate.... Listen you Muslims: don't hate me for revealing all this to you; don't lie in wait to kill me. I am merely revealing what your books contain. And, as always, we humbly await the great sheikhs and ulema to address these issues and show us where we went wrong."
Next, Fr Botros discussed the sort of foul language Muhammad -- the "greatest example" -- employed: "Sorry, so sorry to reveal to you the sort of despicable language Muhammad used—language I am too ashamed to even mention. In fact, your prophet said one of the most obscene Arabic words—the equivalent of the 'f-word' [he counseled his Arabic viewers to google the "f-word" to understand what he was talking about]. "
Refusing to pronounce or spell this word, which he said appears in 67 books, including Sahih Bukhari, the text containing this word, "inkat-ha" -- or, in context, Muhammad asking a man about a woman if he "f***** her" -- was portrayed on the screen for all to read.
Then, "Quick! take that filth down! What would you Muslims do if the Sheikh of al Azhar went around using such language? Worse -- it's your prophet, the 'greatest creation.'"
The host asked if Muhammad used any other foul language, to which the priest responded, “Oh, boy, did he ever; unfortunately this program is way too short to list them all."
According to Qaid al-Qadir (v. 1, p. 381), Muhammad told Muslims to retort to uppity infidels by saying things like -- again, he didn't pronounce it, but the text appeared on the screen -- "Go bite on your mother’s clitoris!" or, according to Zad al-Mi’ad (v. 3, p. 305), "Go bite on your dad’s penis!"
Then, once again while shaking his head in sheer disappointment, "O prophet of Allah...prophet of Allah....Would that you would've heeded your lord Jesus' counsel: 'The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks' (Luke 6:45)."
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV

Raymond Ibrahim, a Middle East and Islam specialist, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum. A widely published author, best known for The Al Qaeda Reader (Doubleday, 2007), he guest lectures at universities, including the National Defense Intelligence College, briefs governmental agencies, such as U.S. Strategic Command and the Defense Intelligence Agency, provides expert testimony for Islam-related lawsuits, and has testified before Congress regarding the conceptual failures that dominate American discourse concerning Islam and the worsening plight of Egypt's Christian Copts. Among other media, he has appeared on MSNBC, Fox News, C-SPAN, PBS, Reuters, Al-Jazeera, CBN, and NPR.
He is also the author of: Crucified
Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians,
and the newest book: Sword
and Scimitar, Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West.
(This short biography is taken mainly from Ibrahim's own web site: