An Account of the Systematic Extermination of Christian Populations by Mohammedans and of the Culpability of Certain Great Powers; with the True Story of the Burning of Smyrna
For Thirty Years Consul and Consul-General of the United States in the Near East
With a Foreword by
James W. Gerard
Former Ambassador to Germany
Online book
Source: Preservation of American Hellenic History (PAHH)
Published on : June 19, 2013
The Blight of Asia was originally printed by Bobbs-Merrill Company,
New York, 1926:
Horton, George, The Blight of Asia (New York: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1923);
ASIN: B000857NF2.
It was reproduced as an original reprint by Sterndale Classics, Taderon
Press, London, 2003:
Horton, George, The Blight of Asia, Sterndale Classics (London: Taderon
Press, 1923); ISBN 190365615X.
Online Publication, PAHH 2007
What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.
Table of Contents
George Horton
George Horton (1859–1942) was a member of the US diplomatic corps who held several consular offices, in Greece and the Ottoman Empire, in late 19th century and early 20th century. Horton initially arrived in Greece in 1893 and left from Greece 30 years later in 1924. During two different periods he was the US Consul and US Consul general to Smyrna, known as Izmir today, the first time between 1911-1917 (till the cessation of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and the Ottoman Empire during the First World War) and the second time between 1919–1922, during Greek administration of the city in the course of the Greco-Turkish War. The Greek administration of Smyrna was appointed by the Allied Powers following Turkey's defeat in World War I and the seizure of Smyrna. (Source: Wikipedia)